Message From Envera
We continue to experience a disruption in services at Envera. We know that’s not what you’ve come to expect from Envera and this is not what we strive to provide for you. Our Teams are working around the clock to solve this issue.
That said, out of an abundance of caution and to minimize any additional disruptions at Envera-secured communities, gates remain open until the issue is resolved and proper connections restored. This is to ensure that residents can access their communities and exit their communities.
What you will continue to experience near term:
1. Gates will remain open as to allow residents access in and out of their communities
2. MyEnvera will remain down
What we’re doing about it:
1. Listening and responding as quickly and accurately as possible
2. We’ve deployed over 100 engineers, service technicians, customer service representatives and support engineers
What you can expect:
1. An increase in communications from Envera, we are learning more and making strides every hour, some larger than others
2. Our non-stop commitment to resolving this issue in the safest and most expeditious way possible
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your continued patience as we work diligently to restore affected sites to normal operations.